Mei-Yu Liu (Tone), Taiwan (R.O.C)
Grimassentheater, 40 x 30 cm
Inspired by untitled film stills, the famous artwork of Cindy Sherman. I try to show a different way for the facial make-up from Chinese Opera. Like her, I will imitate mood and emotion by combining photography with facial make-up in Chinese Opera and offering unique functions of different colours. In Chinese Opera , facial make-up is the most important form of symbolism, such as different characters of different backgrounds, ages and even personality traits. For colours, red means loyalty and honesty, black means rudeness and white means trick. A complex character has a complex colourful face. With less colours and elements, I try to show the different personalities by camera. Lines and colours of make-up and facial expressions make one person different from another. So a kind and honest person will have fewer elements on his face, and people can see through easily. Besides, in terms of essence, people have similarities and differences.
The same Chinese Opera face shows similar characters of different faces. Different races wearing the same idea from Chinese Opera is the combination of Eastern and Western forms of expression, and I expect it can offer a good opportunity for mutual understanding of the world village.